(By Jason Mazzotta) – Extreme sport athletes are some of the craziest people on Earth, attempting some of the most dangerous and without a doubt thrilling acts anyone has ever conceived. Over the years we have seen some crazy things including skiers and snowboarders riding off cliffs only to throw a parachute seconds later, but this video one ups all the skiing and snowboarding parachuters by a mile. Finnish snowmobiler, Antti Pendikainen, traveled to Sweden for this completely off the wall exercise. Pendikainen took his sled off a cliff with a parachute and stuck the landing! After launching off the side of a mountain at full throttle he floats over the frozen snow covered landscape for a while eventually making his way back to land and riding it out like a boss on a massive wheelie.
The GoPros are everywhere, as well as a helicopter close by to catch Pendikainen’s epic jump and landing. The two videos below are from different perspectives; the first is the raw, unedited footage of Pendikainen from start to finish, where it is solely from the view of the GoPro on Pendikainen’s helmet; and the second is an edited version with shots from the other GoPro cameras as well as helicopter.
In the first video, you get a real feeling as to what Pendikainen was seeing; as he suits up, hops on the sled, takes off making sure the parachute is fully bloomed before riding off the cliff, and then bracing himself before he touches back to ground; and check out the test track leading out to the cliff, only one test run!?
Check out the craziness of the snowmobiling cliff jumper, Antti Pendikainen below:
Impressive but kind of weird. When he comes off the cliff, sounds like his clutches are seized up or the sled is out of tune, as it’s not “shifting” (it’s a CVT but they don’t act like that). Also sleds are HEAVY, so that much airtime from a little chute is odd. I’m thinking there was some serious lightening going on with the sled, maybe a motor swap from something much smaller.
Reminds me of the Gary Larsen’s “Far Side”…Just Plain Nuts!!!