Wanna win $500 and be able to say “I designed that shirt”? Well then get off your ass and go to the Ridetech T-Shirt Design Contest page below. They are looking for cool new shirt designs to add to the Ridetech arsenal, and want your help. Ridetech has details on all the specs, logos for you to download, and even include a cool set of Templates that you can use. Let your imagination run wild. The Ridetech gang has a great sense of humor, so have fun with it. We’ll also be announcing the winner here at BangShift.com and the winners and contestants also get free shirts.
The official word from Ridetech is below, but you can click here to go straight to the Ridetech T-Shirt Contest Page.
RideTech T-Shirt Contest
RideTech is looking for new T shirt designs!
Although we can design some really zoomy suspension stuff, we are
much less adept at creating wearing apparel that anyone would want to,
well…wear. That’s where you come in.
The design theme can be nearly anything…product, logos, cars,
slogans, girls [or guys], or anything else that you perceive as
promoting RideTech. We will reserve the right to toss out designs that
are inappropriate, vulgar, or just plain ugly.
Anyone who submits a viable design for a new T shirt will receive a
certificate, for one of our new T shirts, when they become available in 2011.
Out of this pool of [hopefully] many designs we will select 5 designs
that will be voted on via a website poll. The creators of these 5
finalists will receive a gift certificate for $100.
The winner of this design contest will receive a gift certificate for
$500. If we decide to choose more than one design the rest of the
designers will receive a gift certificate for $250.
You may certainly submit more than one design. Design ideas will be
taken until December 15. Our top 5 favorites will be voted on from Dec.
16-January 3. On January 3 the winner[s] will be announced and will
start taking orders to be delivered later in January.
Please note that any design submitted will immediately become the
property of Air Ride Technologies, Inc. and we will proceed with
trademarking that design. That means that any design you submit cannot
be previously or subsequently submitted to anyone else.
Contest Rules and Templates
• Each design much be over 600px wide by 800px tall, the larger the better. Vector files preferred.
• Each design must include a front and back t-shirt graphic.
• No more than 4 colors
• File formats accepted: .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .tif, .eps, .ai, .swf, .psd
• While its not required, we have T-Shirt Templates for you to work from as well.