Enzo Ferrari passed away in 1988 at the ripe old age of ninety. He lived a full life that contributed greatly to the automotive world. He was a man who ruled his racing house like like a dictator, one of the few men who could look at a company like Ford in the eye and give the Italian salute without fear, a man who could intervene in between warring factions of Formula One racing as a kind of mediator. Even after his death, Ferrari’s legacy shines bright: the company that bears his name created one of it’s most potent road cars ever and named it after him, and there are two films in the works about his life.
Interestingly enough, Ferrari has made news again, but not in the way anybody would have expected. On Tuesday, March 28th, 2017, Italian police foiled a plot by “a gang” that intended to exhume the body of Ferrari for the purpose of holding it for ransom. According to Reuters, the plot was found as police in Nuoro, on the island of Sardinia, were investigating an arms and drug trafficking ring. The plan was to exhume Ferrari’s corpse from his above-ground tomb in Modena and hold it for ransom, with either the Ferrari family or the company being the targeted victim.
What lengths do you have to go to before, “Hey, let’s just dig up a dead guy!” becomes the plan?
This is one of those stories where Chevy Hating Mad Geordie’s explanation is likely to make as much sense as the official version and maybe more.
Assuming, of course, he wasn’t one of the ones arrested.
If you want absurd read about the attempt to steal Lincoln’s body in 1876…talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Hmmm….could they be related?? 🙂
I can imagine the ransom call, “pay or he dies”???
I am SOOOO glad I was not drinking coffee when I read that remark.
At least he will keep quite – no need for gaffer tape so that’s a bonus I guess.
Enzo for an Enzo?