
the car junkie daily magazine.


Louisiana Drag and Drive Hot Lap Challenge Event Info And Registration



The Inaugural Louisiana Drag and Drive Hot Lap Challenge is taking place February 28th through March 2nd, 2025 at State Capitol Raceway in Port Allen Louisiana. This three day drag and drive will feature a daily drive and daily racing, but all three days will be held at State Capitol. Drives will be reasonable, but will make you have to show that your car is a street car. Like all drag and drives, racers will be allowed to pull a trailer if they choose, but are not required to. You may NOT use a support vehicle. Your friends cannot follow you on the trip, offering parts and support, or you will be disqualified. If your friends enter into the Cajun Cruise portion of this event, they are welcome to follow along with you. However, they are not allowed to offer unlimited support. Each Cajun Cruiser will be allowed to help a Hot Lap Challenge competitor ONE TIME. Veterans of Drag and Drive events will understand and newbies you are welcome to ask questions. We ask that all competitors help police each other and remind fellow competitors when you see something that might be questionable.

This event is all about having fun, giving folks the chance to experience a drag and drive without a full week long commitment, and getting to know other racers and cruisers from around the country. This is a family friendly event. Bring your kids, grandkids, grandparents, parents, and neighbors. We are going to do everything we can to give you a great experience and a great adventure.

Details are below, we can’t wait to see you all in Louisiana!

Event entry includes event shirts for the driver and co-pilot(s), windshield banner and sponsor decal pack, goody bag, drinks and snacks at the track, 3 days of track entry for both driver and co-pilot, and your tech card for racing in one class. Double entries are allowed. If you are going to double enter, please contact Chad via the email down below after registering for your first entry.

If you want to be a spectator all weekend, make the drive with everyone, and have all the fun without the stress of racing, we’d love to have you as a Cajun Cruiser. Full details on what you get as a Cajun Cruiser are at the bottom of the page.


  • For the latest up-to-date information, before and during the event, make sure to FOLLOW the Hot Lap Challengers Group on Facebook.
  • You can sleep in an RV, however, you must abide by the intent of the rules at all times. The RV cannot be your parts stash holder, etc.
  • Registration is on a first come first serve basis, but ALL are welcome.
  • There will be no refunds or transfer of registrations for any reason.
  • You must put sponsor stickers on the car as directed. No exceptions. These folks help us out so we can put this on. Support them.
  • If you are a solo racer or have a child as a co-pilot you may name one other racer as a designated helper for the week. This person will have a specific wristband to identify them as your support person.


  • In every class, the finishing positions are determined by the average of each day of racing. The lowest average E.T. wins each class. 
  • Racers may change classes on Friday ONLY, and must do so in person before or during their timeslip submission. NO CLASS CHANGES ARE ALLOWED AFTER TURNING IN YOUR FIRST TIME SLIP.


  • Racers must have a valid driver’s license, as well as valid registration and insurance for the vehicle they are driving.
  • Racers must sign the liability waiver.
  • Racers must display good sportsmanship at all times. See the FUN RULE, below. If your actions result in someone else not being able to have fun, that is not okay. Don’t be that guy or gal! Failure to remember this rule could result in you being disbarred, disqualified, and/or removed from the event at the race director’s discretion.
  • Racers must be safe and follow NHRA safety rules at all times while on track.


  • Must have working headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals.
  • Racers must wear a helmet while racing. Even if not required by NHRA safety rules.
  • All cars and racers must meet NHRA safety requirements for the E.T. and Speed they are running. This means safety equipment, driver’s credentials/licenses, etc. 
  • Must have valid driver’s license and up to date insurance, registration and plates.
  • All classes race 1/4 mile unless otherwise specified in Class Rules.
  • Any tire size is acceptable unless specified in Class Rules.
  • Racers must haul all of their own equipment and gear with the exception of fuel which may be hauled by anyone, but you can only transfer at a fuel station.
  • Racers can purchase or ship parts and fuel at any parts store, the track, fuel station, etc. along the way. It is up to the racer and track to coordinate.
  • Cars cannot be towed or hauled between tracks. If there is a safety issue, towing or hauling is allowed in order to resolve the safety issue but no more than necessary.
  • Racers must follow the entire route. If a racer deviates from the route (for parts, hotel, etc.) then they must re-enter the route where they deviated from it. “Short cuts” are not permitted.
  • Racers must show checkpoint pictures upon turning in time-slips on race days following a route. Checkpoint pictures must clearly show the checkpoint and the car number on the car.
  • Co-pilots with valid driver’s license can help drive the route and work on the car.
  • Must have drag radials or slicks in all classes except Time Bandit and Hard Tire. No aggressive treaded street tires will be allowed and any tire with a treadwear rating of 200 or higher is considered a hard tire, and must run out of the groove.
  • Lexan windows can be used if we can’t tell it has Lexan. What that means is if it has all the stock Trim and looks factory we will allow it. 
  • Video Tech will be available until February 14th. This will allow you to send in video of our car’s street equipment. This does not replace the safety tech that will be done at the track. But it will let you skip through quicker.
  • If you have done one of the big Drive N Drags within 6 months of Race Week you can go directly to express tech if you have not changed cars or trailers.


  • Single axle only. Open or enclosed.
  • No connections between the trailer and race vehicle that provide fuel, cooling, electrical, or other support while driving are allowed.



  1. No power adders allowed.
  2. Must have dash, interior door panels, and carpet. No gutted out race cars allowed.
  3. 28/10.50 (NON W) or 275 radial tire maximum.


  • Any power adder allowed.
  • Must have dash, interior door panels, and carpet. No gutted out race cars allowed.
  • 28/10.50 (NON W) or 275 radial tire maximum.


  • No power adders allowed.
  • Must have dash, interior door panels, and carpet. No gutted out race cars allowed.
  • 28/10.50W or 295 radial tire minimum.


  • Any power adder allowed.
  • Must have dash, interior door panels, and carpet. No gutted out race cars allowed.
  • 28/10.50W or 295 radial tire minimum.


  • Anything that meets the RULES FOR ALL CLASSES, and runs 9.0 or slower, can compete.
  • No delay boxes, throttle stops, or other automated devices that control the car’s ET.
  • The goal of this class is to be as consistent as possible and that’s how you win.
  • Hard tires are allowed but you will be lined up outside the groove.
  • Turn in your Day 1 time slip and the goal is to get closest to that E/T the rest of the week without going under. Smallest average spread wins. Example: Day 1 slip 12.1, Day 2 slip 12.5, Day 3 slip 12.2 means your average is 12.26. Spread is .16 off Day 1 slip. That beats a .17 or larger spread, and is beaten by a .15 or smaller spread. 


  • Anything with a tailgate that folds down.
  • No delay boxes, throttle stops, or other automated devices that control the car’s ET.
  • Hard tires are allowed but you will be lined up outside the groove.
  • Turn in your Day 1 time slip and the goal is to get closest to that E/T the rest of the week without going under. Smallest average spread wins. Example: Day 1 slip 12.1, Day 2 slip 12.5, Day 3 slip 12.2 means your average is 12.26. Spread is .16 off Day 1 slip. That beats a .17 or larger spread, and is beaten by a .15 or smaller spread. 


  • Must Be A Door Car.


  • For ages 13 to 16.
  • 1/8th mile.
  • No time slip quicker than a 9.0 in the 1/8th can be turned in.
  • Must have Jr. Street License. 
  • Parent has to drive during the drives unless the kid has a valid permit or driver’s license.
  • Turn in your Day 1 time slip and the goal is to get closest to that E/T the rest of the week without going under. Smallest average spread wins. Example: Day 1 slip 12.1, Day 2 slip 12.5, Day 3 slip 12.2 means your average is 12.26. Spread is .16 off Day 1 slip. That beats a .17 or larger spread, and is beaten by a .15 or smaller spread. 

     HARD TIRE – If there is enough interest.

  • 300 tread wear or higher is considered a hard tire for this class.
  • 275 radial tire or smaller, unless it came factory with larger.
  • Lowest average of all three days wins.

     BIG WHEEL – If there is enough interest.

  • 22″ wheel or larger.
  • 1/8th mile.

     STICK SHIFT – If there is enough interest.

  • No clutchless transmissions, no planetary transmissions (ie Lenco, Jeffco, etc.)
  • Clutch assisted shift only.

     GASSER – If there is enough interest.

  • This class is for traditional style gassers. If you have to ask whether yours is a traditional style gasser, then it probably isn’t. Send in a photo of your car via the email address below and Chad will approve or not for Gasser Class.
  • Nose high or lifted all the way around stance.
  • Nostalgic wheels, paint, etc.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE RULES, PHOTOS TO SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL, ETC. Email [email protected] to get approvals and answers.


With your Cajun Cruiser registration you will get the following:

  • Entry into the track all three days for the driver and up to three passengers.
  • Special Cajun Cruisers parking.
  • Event T-Shirts for the driver and up to three passengers.
  • Windshield banner and sponsor stickers.
  • Participant goody bag.
  • Unlimited fun and as many free smiles as you can handle.
  • Drinks and snacks at the track each day.
  • You get to drive the routes with everyone else and enjoy the cruise, the checkpoints, and the shenanigans.
  • If you take your car through Tech on Thursday or Friday, and we have time at any point during the weekend, we will allow Cruisers to make a pass down the track. You will not be in the competition, buy you will get a timeslip showing what your car can do. Again, this is if time allows.
  • Cajun Cruisers can help any one Hot Lap Competitor, on the road, during the event. You may not follow along as a support vehicle however.


The Saturday King Cake Bottom Bulb Bash is a bracket race that is happening separately from the Hot Lap Challenge but that will be going on during part of our competition. If any of our Hot Lap Challenge competitors would also like to participate in this $40 entry, $2000 purse bracket race, please email us and we’ll get you details and discuss how that will work.