
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Video Replay: 2011 California Hot Rod Reunion Rerun Right Here

We figure that by this morning you must be getting tired of you in-laws being at your house, and are looking for some reason to get away, and we’ve got it right here. BangShift.com presents a...

Historic Video Bonanza: The Story of PT Boats – Giant Killing Hot Rods of the Water

We’ve established the old war planes strike the fancy of many BangShifters out there. How about old war boats? We’re pretty enomored with PT boats, which we think are truly hot rods from...

Good Read: The Ford Versus Chevy Rivalry Lives Again and it is More Than Lip Service

It is the rivalry that has driven domestic automotive production for one hundred years and after a long period of cooling tensions and business struggle, Ford and GM are back throwing hay makers at...

Scary Video: A Russian Driver Runs Out of Talent on a Snowy Road With Disasterous Results

Anyone who lives in a cold weather climate has a pile of snow driving stories. I’m not sure I know a single person who didn’t have either a crash or a near miss as a kid learning to drive...

Amazing Video: A Man Builds The Smallest V12 Engine in the World and It Runs!

Normally we spend out time around here talking about engines that are massive. Sonny Leonard builds 1,000ci engines in his sleep these days. If you show up to the strip in a serious car with less...


Book Review: Mustang Boss 302 – From Racing Legend to Modern Muscle Car

As we are speeding toward Christmas and gift buying and giving season, we’re going to be rattling off several book reviews in the coming weekend for you bibliophiles out there who dig reading...

Must See Video: A New Zealand Man Survives a Wild Helicopter Crash!

A veteran helicopter pilot with two decades of experience escaped death in New Zealand yesterday when the chopper he was flying crashed in dramatic fashion while he was working to place a Christmas...

KCIR is Dead – Historic Drag Strip Killed by Politics and Powerful Neighbors

Kansas City International Raceway is dead. Despite the best efforts of track supporters and members of the community, the facility could not be saved and it is now destined to be a “city...

Funny Video: Watch a Ferrari Take Out a Crowd While Touching No One

Alain de Cadenet is a name lots of BangShifters are probably familiar with. He is an accomplished racing driver, engineer, and he’s on television a bunch. His most famous role on the small...

Pioneering Drag Race Chassis Builder Ron Scrima Passes

Ron Scrima, the chassis builder behind some of drag racing’s most iconic cars has passed away at age 76. Scrima’s career can really be broken into two sections. The first was as a...

Good News: Tulsa Raceway Park To Remain Open

While the news from Kansas City remains bleak for the future of KCIR, there was very good news from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where a new operating agreement was signed to keep the track open for the...

Shop Tour Gallery: Yoshi Kosaka’s Garage Company – Vintage Motorcycle Heaven

We have featured several galleries from Chicago BS photo contributor Bob Chiluk’s recent gearhead trip to California but this could be the coolest yet. Bob stopped by Yoski Kosaka’s...

Show Gallery: Kowalski Customs – Reading, Pennsylvania

Kowalski Customs in Reading, Pennsylvania has a well deserved reputation for building awesome stuff from traditional hot rods, to drag race cars, to Bonneville competition machines, and virtually...

BangShift Question of the Day: What is Your Coolest Piece of Personal Automotive/Racing Memorabilia

I’ve never been lucky enough to fight my way into victory lane at a race track. My several year bracket racing career was marked with a couple near misses, but no race wins. On one such near...