
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Drive All The Way ACROSS THE USA in a 1941 ARMY JEEP with Péwé and Freiburger! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

We recently shared the video of Freiburger and Pewe getting this 1941 Army Jeep running after sitting for nearly 40 years. The plan was for David and Rick to get in and drive this sucker 2,500 miles...

Road Trip! Freiburger Buys A Bitchin Ford Wagon For $5,000 But It’s 1,800 Miles Away! ABANDONED PLACES and Americana On The Road.

For Freiburger, old haggard cars and trucks are like cute rescue puppies, you just can’t resist them. He’s got all kinds of projects, which he talked about in the last video. But this one...