
the car junkie daily magazine.


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More Great Vintage Drag Photos from Phil Burgess at National Dragster

Phil Burgess, editor of National Dragster, keeps catching our attention with his online Dragster Insider column that recently has been featuring a lot of vintage photos of the drag racing era we all...

Santa Please: Killer 1979 Chevy Ramp Truck

Santa, dude, we’ve got just one more request. We’re going to thank you in advance for the two race cars, but man, we really need something to move them around with. The good news is that...

Hilarious Christmas Wish List for Big-Name Racers

Terry Blount over at ESPN.com wrote up a Christmas wish list for a number of big-name racers from the worlds of NHRA, NASCAR, and F1 racing. Some are pot shots, others are hilarious observations, and...

Horror Show: Audi R8 Skewered By Guardrail, Driver Loses Legs

Armco guardrails scare the crap out of us. They were used at drag strips for years and caused the unnecessary injury of many drivers and unnecessary destruction of many race cars. Armco-style steel...

Santa Please: A Road Racing VW Rabbit

Hate VWs? Oh well, this is our wish list. Santa, I know we just demanded you bring us that killer Camaro Funny Car an hour ago, but we’re not done yet. We need something that can turn and stop...

Santa Please: A 1967 Chevy Camaro Funny Car

Santa, we’ve been good this year. OK maybe that’s a stretch, but we haven’t committed any felonies. That’s the truth. OK, it’s kind of the truth. We’ve not been...

Video Bonanza: Dyno Time!

We love dyno videos. Not dyno videos of stuff blowing up, catching fire, or generally malfunctioning, but dyno videos of cool motors being wrung out from bottom to top. We also have a love of...

Schumacher Rumored To Be Coming Back in 2010, Can He Still Hang?

Michael Schumacher is the most winning Formula One driver of all time and is widely considered one of the greatest racing drivers who ever lived. He hung up his driving shoes in 2006 and left the...

Scientific Study Says Women Are Crappy At Parking

At the risk of being thrown out of our home just days before Christmas we’re bringing you the news that a German scientist, a female German scientist to be exact, released the findings of a...

Asphalt Track Goes Back to Dirt

Real stock car racing was born on the dirt tracks of the Southern US. As it turns out, dirt track racing is still as popular as it ever was, with local heroes banging fenders and hanging the tail out...

Diesel Swaps Ain’t Cheap: City to Spend $52K Per Vehicle

Imagine if you got a call from the repair shop and they told you the motor in your vehicle was junk and they needed to swap it out. You’d cringe, take a deep breath, and ask how much that...

GM Wind Tunnel Available for Rent, Max Chevy Goes Inside

Our pal Darr Hawthorne dropped us a line to let us know that the lucky guys over a MaxChevy.com got a guided tour of GM’s Wind Tunnel at the Tech Center in Warren, Michigan. The awesome news in...

Great Rant: British Writer Says, “Stuff the Planet, I’m Buying a New Car”

When a column beings with the line, “One of the delights of getting old is the realization that you don’t need to pretend you care about jack shit any more,” you know that...

Too Cool! Vintage Gremlin Stock Car on eBay

This is totally BangShift.com approved! A guy in New Jersey is selling his vintage Gremlin modified stock car. We’ve seen Pinto bodies and such, but never a Gremmie bodied model like this one....