
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Killer Gearhead Toy!

We spotted the link to the Dragmasters die-cast dragstrip in a post on our forums and checked it out. We ordered one within 6 seconds of seeing the demo video. It’s a long, gravity-feed...

CraigsList Pick of the Week: Dirt Cheap Centurion Convertible

I drove past this car every day for nearly 15 years on the way to work at Hot Rod magazine, and I will again starting Monday unless one of you snaps it up this weekend. The car is pretty rusty for...

Screw-Propelled Vehicle Shocker: We Tree’d The Ruskies By Decades!

A couple weeks back we were supremely creeped out by the video of the ZiL Russian military vehicle with its giant auger/screw drive system that we featured in our Motorized Freak of the Week column....

Cool Old Press Photos: Dodge’s Jet-Age Fins, 1957

This week’s Cool Old Press Photo veers away from the Ford family that we’ve been hovering around. We’re sharing our first nugget of Mopar goodness with you. This is a press photo...

Gearhead Destination: The Big 3 Swap Meet, Coming Soon

There are a few swap meets in the country that are worth traveling for. This is one of them: San Diego, California’s Big 3 at Qualcomm Stadium, coming Feb 27-28 and March 1. Big 3 refers to the...

NHRA Suspends Oildown Penalties

Paging Arley Lango! Paging Arley Lango! The NHRA announced today that in an effort to save teams money they have decided to pull the points penalties for oiling down the dragstrip during a National...

Video of the Week: Riverside Stock Cars, 1965

If you’ve ever wondered why California’s former Riverside Raceway is so revered, this video will give you at least the Stock Car portion of the answer (they also raced sports cars, Can...

Unreal! Now the Government Wants to Use Tax $ To Crush Newer SUVs. SEMA is On It

Breaking news from a few minutes ago. Here’s the SEMA release: POLITICIANS WANT TO USE TAX DOLLARS TO CRUSH NEWER MODEL TRUCKS AND SUVS SEMA Warns Lawmakers that Boondoggle Will Cost American...

65 Pontiac Wagon Trip a Success

Nine days ago we told you that I’d be making a trip north to Sacramento to pick up a ’65 Pontiac wagon that our friend Todd at MSD had scored sight-unseen on eBay. I came home from the...

Nitro Funny Car Association Forges Ahead

If you can get past the horrific news regarding the economy that seems to be coming faster and harder each day, there are some gems of goodness showing up in the racing world. The Nitro Funny Car...

The Violation Game: Square-Tube Headers

I must admit that I shot this photo with the full intention of declaring these square-tube headers a full-on violation. Yet I admit to cold feet. On the violation side of the scale is the fact that,...

Hurst Viper Breaks the Bank at B-J

As previously reported, Hurst is going back to the signature-car biz with the Hurst 50th Anniversary Viper. Like Hurst’s anniversary, not Viper’s…but it’s a natural , right?...

Site of the Week: Hemi.com

With all the craptastic talk lately of Chrysler teaming up with (aka selling its soul to) Fiat, we decided that it was time to reaffirm our faith in the brand by harking back to its most glorious...

Book Review: Racing Safely, Living Dangerously

Here’s one of those little books that no one knows about but everyone should read. Racing Safely, Living Dangerously was published back in 2001. It’s the autobiography of Bill Simpson...