
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Cruise Gallery: Cruising South Congress St In Austin, Texas During The Lonestar Round Up

(Photos by Charles Wickam) – The hits from Austin just keep on coming from the camera of Charles Wickam! While he was at the Lonestar Round Up, Charles and his buddies headed on over to the...

Craigslist Find: A 1957 Chevy Kit Car Based Off Of A Fourth Generation Camaro?!

We owe BangShifter Brandon Jones a thank you for the tip off to this creation that he found on the Olive Branch, Mississippi  Craigslist. Our lives were probably better before we knew that there was...

Celebrity Car Death Match: Tow Truck Battle! 1973 Ford F-350 Wrecker VS 1951 Dodge M-37 Wrecker (w/video!)

We’re going to be running a series of items over the coming days and weeks called “Celebrity Car Death Match” where we’ll pit two iconic cars, trucks, motorcycles, or other vehicles against...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Rhythm From A Red Car – Hardline (1992)

Remember Hardline? Chances are you don’t unless you were into the LA hard rock scene in the early 1990s when they were the hottest product on the market. The band has put out a few albums over...

Video: StangKilr 1200+ Horsepower 2010 Camaro On The Street Racing All Comers

We’ve all seen a lot of really fast 5th Gen Camaros, but when you start talking about big power like this, it’s a whole other world. The StangKilr Camaro has enough turbo for 1500+...

Video: Big Burnout…On A Trailer! Yes, Smoking The Tires, While On A Trailer

We’ve seen just about every kind of burnout imaginable. We have done most of them ourselves! But this one made us shake our heads. Unfortunately the car doing the burnout is front wheel drive,...

Street Racing Extravaganza!: Cash Days VII and VIII DVD Trailer From 1320 Video

If you haven’t heard about Cash Days, then you are missing out on one of the greatest street races ANYWHERE. And before you start whining about street racing being illegal and dangerous, and...

1320 Video Sunday: A 1000 Horsepower Turbo Ford Lightning Tearing Up The Track In Houston

Lightning’s have been Ford’s baddest truck for a long long time, but there are a lot of them out there with turbos instead of the factory installed supercharger. The whole Turbo vs...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: “American Pie” by Don Mclean (1971)

I can’t believe we haven’t run this song as a Daily Tune Up yet! We suck, cause this song rules. I mean how can you go wrong when your song talks about driving your Chevy to the levee....

Saturday Sleeper Movie Day: Watch a Malibu Wagon Pull a Massive Wheelie on the Street!

Well, we know at least one guy now who we have to believe when he tells us that his car can pull wheelies on the street and that’s the owner of this Chevy Malibu station wagon! This small tire...


This kids, is a hot rod. It is also a rolling mechanical orphanage. The motor in the car isn’t made any more. The rear end in the car isn’t made anymore. The components in the rear...

Sleeper Saturday Movie Day: Drag Sleeper Video: An Aussie Toyota Corolla Q-Ship!

To build a little old Toyota Corolla that runs in the elevens on the strip and looks like something an old woman would be driving is devious and awesome. The car is down in Australia where weird and...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Paul Revere And The Raiders – Judge (1969)

Here’s one straight out of the Pontiac marketing department in 1969! We’ve featured several tunes by Paul Revere and the Raiders before, among them was SS396, their ode to the 1966...

Project Buford T Justice: Our Caprice 9C1 Gets The Shaft! A Dynotech Drive Shaft That Is!

(Photos by Dynotech Engineering and the Author) – At its base, hot rodding has always been about trying stuff, breaking stuff, fixing stuff, and getting better, faster, and stronger along the...