(By Jason Mazzotta) – In Wisconsin winter means snowmobiling and there is no better way to open up your sled than to bring it to the biggest drag event around and see what it has. At the Lakewoods Resort in Cable, Wisconsin, the Top 10 Snow Outlaws Shootout is run during the World’s Longest Weenie Roast Weekend. It is a huge event on Lake Namakagon that sees a number of different drag classes face off including the Outlaw class that is always full of fast and exciting action.
Scott Woosley runs a turbo sled in the Top 10 Snow Outlaws Shootout and in the video he has the sled set on kill wanting the number one spot. As he spools up and takes off the sled is gone, throwing snow from the track. As he is making is way away from the starting line he slides back on the seat and the sled starts to wheelie.
As Woosley is quickly accelerating and gaining speed heading towards the finish line, the sled continues to rise, and with Woosley never lifting, he does his best Don Garlits rendition as he does a huge blow over. In the process Woosley flies off the sled, and both Woosley and the snowmobile go tumbling and flipping across the snow. While pieces were breaking and flying off the busted up sled, Woosley was up and unhurt shortly after the crash.
Check out the snowmobile blow over below: