
the car junkie daily magazine.


Sad News: Jay Roach, Bucks Down and Inventive Top Fuel Crew Chief Dies at 75

Sad News: Jay Roach, Bucks Down and Inventive Top Fuel Crew Chief Dies at 75

Jay Roach, a 100% BangShift approved, creative, inventive, and bucks down Top Fuel team owner and crew chief died at age 75 on January 16, 2012. Roach built, owned, and tuned the Top Fuel car driven by Arley Langlo known as the Zip Code most recently. While many people only know Langlo and Roach from their modern car, which, admittedly was more known for spectacular mechanical failures than great performances, the pair had been racing together for many years. Both have spent decades in and around fuel engines.

We think Roach’s passing marks the end of the era where the crew chief was a man who was capable of innovating or repairing every inch of the car. He was one of the rare people that larger and far more well funded teams would lend a clandestine hand to because of the respect that had for his career and reputation.

Remembering Jay Roach for just the struggles he and Langlo had on their modern Top Fuel car is not right. He was as capable a thinker and wrench as the sport of drag racing has ever known and people who know drag racing have long recognized that. There’s nothing more BangShifty than having the sheer balls to run with the biggest and fastest teams in the world with a budget equivalent to their weekend beer bill. Sometimes winning means just showing up.

Hopefully he is tweaking a barrel valve at the big strip in the sky as you are reading this.

Langlo/Roach dragster

Langlo/Roach dragster

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8 thoughts on “Sad News: Jay Roach, Bucks Down and Inventive Top Fuel Crew Chief Dies at 75

  1. Joe Timney

    Jay was the guy who did a ton of block welding for Top Fuel and Bonneville teams, including Fast Freddie Dannefelzer…RIP

  2. Rod Hynes

    May Jay Rest in Peace. He was a good guy. I had the pleasure of knowing Jay for over 35 years. Bought my first Donovan 417 from him and had been an admirer of his talents and individualism for a long time. Great machinist and thinker. He and Arley and that whole Santa Barbara bunch are/were great people. I have tears in my eyes and have had trouble writing this. You will be missed Jay. You may have had your detractors but you also had your fans/admirers and the respect of other racers who knew what you were trying to accomplish – IN YOUR OWN TERMS AND WAY. Godspeed.

  3. Paul Tefft

    Jay first drove me to his shop one night in his shop truck. The speedo pegged & we kept going. That was maybe 1969, have been to several races together & since I owned a welding & machine shop we shared tools & ideas together frequently. In fact my Brother Gary had just sent me a package with photos & details of a 1947 Ford executive coupe to sell, that I was on my way to share with Jay when I heard of his passing.
    My condolences to Betty & the whole family & crew at the shop.
    You will be missed my friend. RIP Jay — Paul Tefft

  4. Bow Tie Guy

    I met another real off the wall Top Fuel crew chief back in the 80’s, namely Dick LaHaie and his daughter Kim, too, who herself went on to drive and wrench on fuelers. They were the nicest people you would ever want to meet and I’m sureJay was, too. Top Fuel drag racing will certainly miss him!

  5. Marion & Jim Durham

    For over 50 years (as Fast Fred Dannenfelzer\’s sister in law & brother in law) we\’ve known Jay Roach & Arly & the rest of the garage crew. They have slept on our couches, drank our beer, emptied our coffee pot, & given us countless stories to tell. This news of Jay\’s death has been unbelievable. It\’s a last lesson from Jay: make every day count, because you aren\’t guaranteed to have tomorrow. May your soul be at peace, Jay; and may strength & love surround Betty. Marion & JD

  6. Pat Bonebright

    Thanks Brian for a great write-up. I know first hand that the people close to Jay appreciate it greatly. He was a tremendous innovator and all around great guy. One of his favorite sayings was “Not bad for a dumb old Okie!” That’s just how he was. Always willing to share and help out where he could. You are missed Papa Roach.

  7. Julie Roach Guajardo

    Jay Roach was my DAD he was known by many in the racing community of top fuel dragsters over the many years and the Santa Barbara Area with his Automotive garage . SO many great memeoriw of him will be long remembered. My Girls called him papa.

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