Magnificent Magnesium: This Old School Magnesium Crower Injector And Scoop Is Killer (and expensive!)

Magnificent Magnesium: This Old School Magnesium Crower Injector And Scoop Is Killer (and expensive!)

There’s nothing quite as cool as old race car stuff, right? The other day we showed you an intake manifold that was kind of a sneaky limited edition piece produced by Mercury for use on their big Y-Block engines in the late 1950s but this stuff hits a different level. Why? This is old school hardcore drag racing parts in the form of a 1960s vintage Crower magnesium injector and scoop designed to bolt to the top of a 6-71 blower and then drown whatever engine is under it with fuel in whatever grade you’d like. Gas, alcohol, or nitro could all be part of your racing program with this piece of racing history.

Outside of the cool looks of this piece the fact that it is fully intact, has not been cracked, repaired, welded, or dinged up in any way. The fins on top of the scoop are all perfectly straight and complete without so much as a chip out of the top of ’em. The seller claims that the intake could literally be bolted on, completed with injectors and run today. How awesome is that?

If you have a nostalgia drag car, cackle car, or some sort of other hot rod this thing would be the crown jewel on top of your engine. Maybe we’re easily impressed or we just love the fact that things like this survive the years quietly hiding on a shelf before someone decided to drag it outside again, but we can’t help but get giddy when components like this find their way to places like eBay or even better, on people’s projects.

The buy it now price is $3,800 and that’s not cheap, but you can always buy the other one that’s for sale right….oh yeah, there is no other one. Totally cool!


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eBay find: Old School Magnesium Crower Injector and scoop

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