When a car has a manifold backfire at the drags, things can go from bad to flamingly awful in milliseconds. When a Harley has a massive backfire while running on a chassis dyno, the rider of the machine gets to see what a few tenths of a second on the face of the sun would feel like. This video looks to have been made at Harley dealer or shop event as there is a big crowd around to see this dude nearly set himself ablaze. We are certainly not Harley experts, but the bike didn’t sound all that good before the dude riding it cranked the throttle wide open and fed it the happy gas. He claims it was a bad set of plugs that did him in. Well it didn’t do him in, but certainly some portions of his beard and eyebrows.
On the plus side the guy apparently won the dyno challenge putting 130hp to the wheels of the motorcycle before testing the flame retardant properties of his t-shirt. We’re having a little bit of a laugh here only because this turned out OK but it is still pretty scary and this is yet another reminder of how you need to be careful in, around, and on dynos of any type. There’s lots of stuff happening when you are turning an engine really hard, spinning an axle really hard, or in this case working an engine really hard with power adders and with a dyno it is all going on in close proximity to people.
Well that’s just too bad