There’s nothing better than finding old timey videos like this one. Made in the 1950 as part of an educational series for kids, this thing is all about how engines work. We dig it because the guy leading the video does not talk to the audience like they are morons, there are great old classic animations and there are even some dangerous in-home experiments involving gasoline not just demonstrated but suggested!
We say dangerous but joking aside, if one were to follow them exactly as the video depicts there would be no harm. We just currently live in an age where no one in their right mind would make a video that gave directions on how to do a table top experiment that involved gasoline and fire. Oh, it also comes with the instructions that the “bottle of gasoline should be placed at least 20ft away.”
We’re guessing that the majority of BangShifters won’t exactly be educated by this film but it may bring people back to a simpler time when discovering the concepts behind engines was both enlightening and thrilling. The first time you could see in your head how a camshaft worked or what a piston looked like going up and down in the bore. This film was likely shown to millions of kids over time and it is getting a new lease on life now.
Heck, sit down and show it to your kids, just tell them not to get any big ideas about igniting gasoline on the kitchen table.