We have been following the saga of the guy with the YouTube channel and the obsession with Briggs and Stratton engines for some time now. He first kind of burst onto our radar when he ran one of his small engines with a clean cylinder head, exposing all the cool fuel, air, and combustion stuff that is normally hidden fro view under stuff like iron and aluminum. He has been doing all kinds of stuff over the years like adding nitromethane to the mix, flirting with turbochargers, and generally just pushing the boundaries of his garage engineering operation. It’s been fun.
He took things to another level recently by combining the turbocharger and nitromethane then ramping that program up with what we are going to call hand-chanical injection. He has a pressurized sprayer that he fogs nitromethane into the turbocharger with along with a second supply being gravity fed from high above the engine.
In some ways he is discovering things that are already known which is that burning nitromethane in volume is how you make more power and keeping the stuff lit in that volume is one of the main areas of concern for anyone running an engine on nitro, no matter how many cylinders it uses, right?
The neat stuff here is the experimentation with different turbos and then running the engine with the carb removed. The little guy is making more than 2x its factory output during some of the runs. This is a fun watch!
Good stuff I like this guys ideas.