2019 Summit Racing Equipment Piston Powered Expo Show Photos – Another Killer Event!

2019 Summit Racing Equipment Piston Powered Expo Show Photos – Another Killer Event!

(Photos by Mike Brooks) – There are certain shows that even we look more forward to than others in terms of providing coverage of. The Summit Racing Equipment Piston Powered Expo is one of them because the show is absolutely suited to us in terms of its wide open nature, sprawling size, and ability to bring basically every facet of the automotive world together. Quite literally, if it has an engine with pistons in it providing the power, its welcome at the event.

This first installment of awesome Mike Brooks photos seems to have been nabbed on setup day, the always fun and chaotic pre-event ritual for any indoor car show that is part cat wrangling, part dodging cars, and part interior decorating. Whether you like mini-trucks, hot rods, gassers, or sports cars, you’ll see something in here to like.

This is the first of about a week’s worth of galleries from this event. Buckle up…here we go!

Hit the images to expand them and stick around, we have a lot more coming!

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1 thoughts on “2019 Summit Racing Equipment Piston Powered Expo Show Photos – Another Killer Event!

  1. Gary Smrtic

    Huh. Another one of those events that the photog has plenty of passion to photograph yet more trip five chives or Camaros, and even those garbage “rat rods”, but just can’t quite make the effort to shoot a single Mopar…

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