NHRA Insider Podcast: The ON Season – Stevie Fast, Justin Ashely, and Bobby Bennett Talk Shop!

NHRA Insider Podcast: The ON Season – Stevie Fast, Justin Ashely, and Bobby Bennett Talk Shop!

It’s all about perspective, right? It doesn’t matter what you’re talking about in life, perspective is what shapes our view of the world and everyone has a slightly different one. The guest lineup on this episode of the NHRA Insider Podcast is a diverse one.

For starters there’s Bobby Bennett Jr, who is the founder and the editor in chief of CompetitionPlus.com, the internet’s leading drag racing dedicated publication and a guy who I and many others have worked for over the course of time in drag racing. Bennett tells us his story of success, talks about the things that are happening in modern drag racing, and dishes on some news and rumors that he has been hearing about.

Then there’s young Justin Ashley, a 20-something dude who is going to be attacking the top fuel ranks hard in 2020. Ashley made his competitive debut last year in Charlotte and did so by dropping insane reaction times in the laps of his competitors and was one broken blower belt away from making the final round of the event! He tells us about building a top fuel team, his plans for 2020, and what it feels like to be in this moment of his life.

Lastly there’s Stevie Fast Jackson who will be starting his racing season next weekend in Bradenton, Florida. This guy who has brought Phil Shuler into his racing operation full time, who has multiple cars to prepare to start the year, who will be tuning people along with racing in 2020, and who lives his life at full throttle every moment is as entertaining as ever. Some would call it a calamity, Stevie calls it the pre-season!

This is a fun listen and we’re ramping up for Pomona. Let’s go!

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