This year in land speed racing has been, well, like all else, strange. Bonneville is still happening however basically all activity at El Mirage has been wiped out. There is all kinds of behind the scenes stuff happening regarding Speed Week but the SCTA has decided (now multiple times) to forge ahead with the meet effectively letting potential fans and participants make the decision to attend or not on their own.
While the meet will be way smaller than in years past, BangShift is still planning on being there to bring you the news and the rumors from the salt that we know you all love. I’ll be sad to miss it this year, but happy that the site itself will be keeping the tradition of our coverage alive.
Back to this awesome video. Taken from the show, “The Exciting World of Speed and Beauty” we get to see a group of competitors in action at El Mirage. The cars and the people rule. The best part is a random and awesome interview with freaking Andy Granatelli who was out there on the salt in all of his largeness racing what looks to be a twin turbocharged Camaro. You’ll see faces and hear names you recognize and definitely see some faces you may not!