7.3L Godzilla Swap Solutions – Oil Pump, Pan, Front Cover & Accessories, Intake, And More!

7.3L Godzilla Swap Solutions – Oil Pump, Pan, Front Cover & Accessories, Intake, And More!

The other day we showed you a Ford Godzilla engine on the dyno that was making big power in stock form and then really big power with nothing but a supercharger kit. We know several folks currently building cars that are going to be powered by one of these and the Ford crowd in rejoicing in the fact that this engine is built for major stresses found in trucks and therefore have everything you’d want for a high performance engine as well. Everyone is throwing boost at them and we’re pretty sure that they are going to be a Ford enthusiasts answer to the LS engine. The fact that it is only slightly larger than a 351 Windsor certainly doesn’t hurt either because that means they will fit into anything.

But what about swap parts? The LS engine has a jillion swap parts available, and many of them were available right from the start as the guys at Chevrolet Performance Parts were pushing LS swaps the second they started showing up on the dealer lot. Even with all the crazy attention the Godzilla has been getting, it seems like some swap parts have been a little slow to appear. But they are here now and the video below shows you some of the parts available that will help you with your own Godzilla swap.

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