Having a master power cutoff switch in the rear of the car is required by most sanctioning bodies if you have relocated the battery to the trunk. It’s a good idea for any race car really, regardless of battery location, but we think there needs to be more and usually install an interior battery cutoff switch or lever to actuate the one in the rear so that the driver can shut off the power should the need arise. After all, most of the time an on track incident where the power needs shutoff isn’t a situation that leaves the driver incapable of doing so. Sure, in those circumstances you can totally reach up and turn off the fuel pump, the ignition, etc individually, but having the ability to reach over and pull a lever to turn it all off at once is pretty nice and very safe. It’s something we like to see in cars and are thrilled with the fact that Lokar has a new kit just for this purpose.
It can be bought with or without the battery cutoff switch and is available with a bracket that allows it to bolt to your favorite automatic shifter as well. How cool is that?
Here is all the info from Lokar:
Looks pretty slick. Hopefully the pictured setup is for display only, cause that’s some pretty light wire and I don’t see any solder on the crimp connector.
Maybe I’m looking too close, but I know what I like to see when it comes to stuff that matters.
We have run one of these Lokar remote shut off switches in our Top
Sportsman Henry J for atleast the last 5-6 years, we thought the NHRA
was going to make this a mandatory item in the Advanced ET classes.
Also works great for turning the power on when the driver is strapped
in the car in the staging lanes and the wind blows the door closed.