Ford 302 Tear Down And Inspection With Vice Grip Garage. Can It Be Rebuilt At Home? Check Out Derek’s Big Surprise!

Ford 302 Tear Down And Inspection With Vice Grip Garage. Can It Be Rebuilt At Home? Check Out Derek’s Big Surprise!

The first few engines I ever built were Chevrolet 350 small blocks, and I never measured anything except ring gap. They were engines that had been running, had no bearing wear, and I dingle ball honed them before putting them back together. But these weren’t high mileage engines. They were engines that had been in our race cars years and years before, so they were in good shape. But what if you want to DIY rebuild an engine at home that has some serious miles on it?

In this video, Derek is going to get real specific on an engine he wants to rebuild. That means he’s measuring everything, determining how much needs to be machined off of what surface or from the bores, and then he’s going to see if those measurements work out to allow him to do the rebuild at home. And if they don’t, how much work has to happen at a machine shop before he can bring it home and finish the rest up himself.

Let’s see!

Video Description:

It’s time to rebuild the engine that’s in the 1935 hotrod shop truck! This old 302 came out of a 1978 LIncoln. I’m going to show how to measure cylinder taper, out of round, oversized, and ring ridge with detailed explanation on how to use a dial bore gauge. We’ll also inspect the camshaft, lifters, pushrods, heads, and block. Let’s see if we can rebuild this at home!

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