How to Select Spark Plugs for Your Engine: Your Guide To The Right Spark

How to Select Spark Plugs for Your Engine: Your Guide To The Right Spark

Spark plugs create one of the three things needed for an engine to run. Air, fuel, and spark are all three needed in order to create the fire that powers the engines we know and love so much. In some ways spark plugs are incredibly simple, they provide a gap for a spark to jump across so that it can fire the fuel and air combination in the combustion chamber. Simple right? Yes, but spark plugs that work best and spark plugs that work are sometimes not the same thing at all.

In this video, you are going to get some of the basics on how to choose spark plugs for your engine and why. We’re planning to go into more spark plug detail on an upcoming video tech session, but until then see what you can learn here.

Video Description:

The spark plug is the difference between a pile of parts sitting quietly in your car and a running engine. If they don’t work properly, your engine doesn’t run well, if it even runs at all. Take the time to learn about the ins and outs of spark plugs, how to properly prepare them for your engine combination, and how you can use them to make a little extra horsepower on the cheap! Learn More: •

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1 thoughts on “How to Select Spark Plugs for Your Engine: Your Guide To The Right Spark

  1. david

    NGK tech line is the best at dialing in plug selection–Know your fuel, compression ratio and what cylinder head requirements are and they will put you on the correct plug No guessing –they are good! Why fool around these folks get it right

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