Metal Fabrication How-To: Build Your Own Lower Control Arms From Scratch At Home!

Metal Fabrication How-To: Build Your Own Lower Control Arms From Scratch At Home!

You can do it! I know that building your own control arms might be an even more daunting task than the average chassiswork, and that already intimidates a lot of folks, but if you do think right you can do this at home. Yeah, yeah, I get it. I said you have to do it right and you aren’t sure you know how to do it right. Well, the good news is that the Garage Fab channel does know how to do it right and Aaron is really good at explaining it. These are not going to be lightweight arms either, they are overbuilt and will do what they are supposed to in this application, but you can use the same principles to build a variety of arms in your own garage.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think. I like Aaron’s style of teaching folks, and the way that he puts his instruction into practice. It is practical, clean, and functional. Just what you want in a vehicle you are going to drive.

Learn how to do this on your own below. And if you missed the video on building your own control arm jig, we’ve included it below as well!

Video Description:

The Control Arm Copy Machine returns! Today we make some custom load-bearing lower control arms for Caroline’s Mighty Max.

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