Small Block Ford Intake Testing – Single vs Dual Plane On Both 351 Cleveland And Windsor

Small Block Ford Intake Testing – Single vs Dual Plane On Both 351 Cleveland And Windsor

The world of intake manifolds is a diverse one, where dual plane, single plane, tunnel ram, IR, cross ram, long runner and short are available for just about every popular engine combo. And because modern intakes have gotten more and more modular, there are lots of ways to configure intakes for your particular application. But with the increasing number of throttle body fuel injection systems, and the still much larger number running carburetors, the age old discussion of dual plane vs single plane is a valid one. There has always been a belief that single planes are for racing and dual planes are for street cars, but with the ever increasing performance potential that we take advantage of, our street cars are getting more and more powerful all the time. So does the rule still apply? Is single really only good for the race track? Are dual planes only good for a cruiser?

Thanks to our friend Richard Holdener, we’re going to see the results of some testing with both a 351 Cleveland and a 351 Windsor on the dyno at Westech Performance Group. Watch, look at real data, and listen to the conclusions Richard has come to after years of dyno testing. Then use the info to help you make the right parts decisions for your bitchin Ford build.


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