Holley LS Fest X: Roaming The Show Fields On A Lovely Friday

Holley LS Fest X: Roaming The Show Fields On A Lovely Friday

As a general rule, the weather at LS Fest does one of two things: either it is a hot, swampy mess or it floods…period. I’ve had years where I’m literally eating watermelon by the pound in addition to slamming bottles of water and I’m still dying out here, and then there was last year’s 3G Challenge that saw autocross-ready beasts doing one thing they were never designed to do: swim. This weekend, however, couldn’t be any more perfect unless we could set the conditions ourselves. The temperatures are warm without being hot, the humidity isn’t here and as I’m typing right now, I can tell you that the crowds are more than happy to show up. (We are still a ways away from confirming anything, but as of press time I would not be shocked if we break the record for attendance this year.)

We wish you were here to enjoy all of the action with us, but we hope that the photos are helping if you weren’t able to make it out to Bowling Green. We will have plenty of coverage coming over the next few days, so be sure to stay tuned to BangShift.com!

For more galleries and coverage from LS Fest X, CLICK HERE!

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