Awesome Build: Watch This Operational Scale Model Of A Rotary Engine Constructed With Lego Blocks!

Awesome Build: Watch This Operational Scale Model Of A Rotary Engine Constructed With Lego Blocks!

This is easily one of the most awesome Lego builds we have ever seen. We know we had some rotary stuff on the front page today already but this is in a different league. The whole engine is custom built from the imagination of the guy snapping the blocks together, to start. This is not a kit, this is not something already made a video about. From the creation of the rotor itself to the fact that this thing has “spark plugs” intake and exhaust ports, the right eccentric travel and the list goes on and on, your mind will be blown like ours.

There may be kids who watch this video and have a lightbulb come on in their minds about how one of these weird little engines work. In fact, they aren’t so weird when you see a happy little version of one, built of out of Lego blocks whirring away. This guy even went so far as to include the tip seals on the rotor in his build!

The addition of the “spark” light is a big one here because there are some animations that show the cycle of a rotary engine but when he dims the lights and then cranks the engine up with the little cam and rocker arm to trigger the light up block, things go from interesting to completely awesome.

We have no idea how many hours are in this build but what a teaching tool. I watched this with my kids and both of them were able to see what exactly happens inside the engine and they were both 100% more understanding of a rotary engine than they were after I explained it to them 100 times.

THIS is great!

Press play below to see this incredible scale model rotary engine built from Lego!

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