It’s All About The Flow: This Short And Sweet Lesson On Priority Main Oiling From Dart Is Great

It’s All About The Flow: This Short And Sweet Lesson On Priority Main Oiling From Dart Is Great

When we hear certain terms in the gearhead world we generally understand them but maybe a bit more clarity and education is always welcome, right? One of the big ones that gets thrown around a lot is “priority main oiling”. This is in reference to the path and direction that the oiling system lubricates an engine using the internal passages in the block. If you know what the phrase means but have never really gotten in-depth with it, this short video from Dart Machinery is just the ticket. It’s not a snoozer, it’s a really informative piece that explains the how and why of priority main oiling.

Every block that Dart builds uses priority main oiling and once Kevin gets done laying it all out for you, you’ll understand why. For performance applications that certainly need to make sure that their bottom ends are covered, it’s the best way to fly by a long shot.

If you are getting ready for a build or you are block shopping and bench racing your new engine in your mind, this is a fun layer to add to the equation. It isn’t like you forgot that Dart made bad ass stuff, but this reinforces just how well engineered it is.

Press play below for a short and sweet lesson on Priority Main Oiling –

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