When the big book of drag racing is finally written, the chapter on “Radial vs The World” will be one of the most entertaining to read. By far the most insanely advanced cars in the sport of drag racing, these cars make more horsepower, run quicker elapsed times, and put on a level of show that full-bodies drag race machinery never has before. It’s still one of the most wide open, unfettered by rules, and unrestricted enclaves in the sport of drag racing and this video tells the story of it’s most King Kong horsepower car, the Andrew Alepa owned C7 Corvette. Long story short, this is a look behind the scenes of how this car made 5,200hp+ on the hub dyno at FuelTech and it’s a great watch.
Alepa’s Corvette, unique in so many ways represents the ultimate extension of the class’s original ethos. It began as a real C7 Corvette. It’s roof and quarters are still GM factory as constructed stuff. The nose, doors, and assorted other components are carbon fiber, but it’s got a stock wheelbase and a ProLine hemi with a pair of 102mm turbochargers hanging off of it to make the power.
The car won a bunch of big races and was the world record holder in the category for a good stretch. Currently for sale and not racing, someone needs to grab this thing and get it back in competition.
Even if you have no idea about radial drag racing, you’ll dig this video. Luis from FuelTech is a heck of a racer himself and a guy who has hands on a lot of cars from the tuning and data side so he knows of what he speaks. Give this a watch and you’ll dig it.
Just out of curiousuty I plugged this cars 1/8th MPH and weight (using RVW rules) into one of the online calculators and it spit out a HP rating of almost 4700 HP on an actual run proving the hub dyno ain’t lying. These cars off the charts sick.
Yes it is a cool car. I was fortunate to build the doors, rear wing and side plates. Plus the one piece front clip. It weighed 32lbs. out of the mold. Whole car is a gorgeous piece!
Yes it is a cool car. I was fortunate to build the doors, rear wing and side plates. Plus the one piece front clip. It weighed 32lbs. Factory doors weighed 48 lbs., carbon doors weigh 10lbs.
out of the mold. Whole car is a gorgeous piece!