Video From Inside A Tire While Driving Is Fantastic: A Weird View Of The Rolling World!

Video From Inside A Tire While Driving Is Fantastic: A Weird View Of The Rolling World!

This is about the wildest video that we have seen in a while. Mounting a GoPro INSIDE a tire and driving around is the type of stuff that can only happen in 2020, right? It would not have been long ago that only tire companies with huge testing budgets could ever seen anything like this but today? Today a guy with a little LED light, a GoPro, and a batter pack for extended shooting car get it done.

The Warped Perception channel on YouTube has been all about showing us stuff that most of us have likely never seen before. Whether it is the combustion process in an engine by using a clear cylinder head or how small engines with boost work, or other oddity style creations, there has been some really neat content on the channel over the years. This though? This takes the cake.

Just seeing how the tires works and reacts at low speed is awesome and while there is a very limited quantity of high speed driving, the idea that the dude pulled this off is just so neat. The tire that he is using seems to have a lot of miles on it, so when you are watching how it reacts and conforms to stuff on the road, we’re interested to know if a brand new tire which should be far less pliable does the same stuff.

Anyway, this is really interesting, different, and enlightening. Watch how a tire works from the inside out!

Press play below to see some wild video from the inside of a tire!

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