File this one under, “who thought this was a good idea?!” No, the Mustang you see in the image above and below is not running the wrong way down the track, well technically it is but it is going the wrong way in the right direction. Follow? Basically someone in a brand new Mustang GT challenged a guy in a Jetta for an eighth mile drag race and the guy in the Mustang believed that he could beat the Jetta in reverse. Someone at the track signed off to make it happen and here we are.
Driving in reverse at any sort of speed is a tricky and potentially dangerous thing. Anyone who has ever practiced J-turns known that. In this case, the driver is pretty much a boss and he handles the whole thing very well. But the ultimate question of course centers around the results of the race. Did he win? We’re not going to give any more away than that. Hit the link and be genuinely entertained by one of the weirdest and dumbest things we have ever seen a sanctioned track!
Wow, amazing driving skill by the ‘stang driver. Wait, did I just say that? I thought every Mustang ever made crashed into crowds of people? Unless that is only at Cars and Coffee events?
Anyway, how embarrassing for the VW driver! I thought for sure the ‘stang would top out in reverse at like 50 MPH and get passed.
Guess we have to blame this on Covid boredom. Or squirrels.