There are bad days and then there are BAAAAD DAYS. The guy in the silver late model GTO suffers the latter in this video that was shot at some undisclosed street racing spot in Anywhere, USA. The Cadillac and the GTO are lined up for battle, the guy shooting this is obviously far away as the shot is a little on the shakey side. Anyway, things go from normal to bad in no time as the GTO violently explodes before seemingly moving an inch. The crowd scatters for a second and then as the jet of fire rises from the engine compartment of the GTO, things get really interesting.
Eventually people wander back over with fire extinguishers and just when the guy in the GTO doesn’t think it can get any worse, the cops show up. People start running for the hills and disappearing and this poor sucker is siting there dead in the water. The guys start to push the car off the side of the road but it’s likely that things didn’t get any better for the GTO owner after that.
It seems like the car was towed there so between the whole street racing angle and then what would likely be a laundry list of equipment violations, this was no small nickels ticket. Hopefully (for his sake) the car owner/driver did not get hauled away. We’re sure he was already looking at a hefty repair parts bill for as long and strong as this fire burned.
You know what they say. You pay your money, you takes your chances. He came up craps on this one.
Looks like his engine ” socially distanced”…
Good riddance. Honestly bystanders are probably lucky someone didn’t get hurt being right next to the car when it grenades. Believe there was a wiseman that recently said, You don’t need 37 MF-er’s standing on the starting line. Perfect example.
Amazing truism, turn on the lights and the rats always scatter.
I thought it was roaches, same thing with this crowd of dumbasses.
HAHA! THis is why we race on the RACE TRACK!
what race track salt lake took it down. ♀️
Funny thing was nobody got in trouble and the cops helped push the car out of the road. Cool PD in the SLC.
Really, cant even race on a track? Now we know why, it will never pass tech. POS
Yeah, because that’s NEVER happened at a race track.
one thing i can add to this DON’T LAUGH at the cops when your caught,,,,, it only adds to the court cost,,,,,, i have first hand experience with road testing wrong place wrong time $$$$
HA HA HA ; you can’t always go to the track, Street Racing ,it’s where it all started .
The only thing. I can say is When the green flag drops the bull ship stops and get out of the way!!!
Someone didn’t know how to use nitrous or had a failure and at the worst time too!
Bagshift how about you link the channel that owns this video not the trash that stole it