Who Makes The Best OBD 2 Code Scanner? Are They All The Same? If Spending More Money Makes It Better, The Test Should Show That.

Who Makes The Best OBD 2 Code Scanner? Are They All The Same? If Spending More Money Makes It Better, The Test Should Show That.

OBD 2 Scanners are no different than anything else we are going to buy, and if there is a cheap option we’re always going to wonder if it will do the job and how well. I know there are people out there that only buy the expensive things, but we aren’t those people. But if you need an OBDII scan tool so that you can see what codes your car has thrown, or use the diagnostic tools to find some underlying problem with your car, then you might find yourself in a position to need to scan your car. Lucky for us, the Project Farm channel is testing several brands, at several price points, so we can see how they really stack up against each other.

Video Description:

Brands: Foxwell, Autophix, Autel, Ancel, Motopower, Launch Creader, LeeKooLuu. Code readers/scanners compared for overall capability, efficiency at retrieving codes, efficiency at progressing through menus, ability to locate and clear trouble codes, etc.

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