We’re not sure how many cars have ever been legitimately been listed on Craigslist for $1,000,000 but this one is and while the seller claims that it is the whole car, we only see pieces and chunks of it in the listing. For Mopar fans this is a true unicorn and for the seller, this could be a masisve payday no matter how you slice it. The guy claims that he has had the car for some time and has essentially been hiding it for decades. Disassembled, he states that he has the right, matching numbers hemi, automatic transmission, and Dana 60 rear end for the car along with the fender tag and all that kind of stuff to document it as being what he claims the car to be.
These cars are massively valuable. One recently sold for 3.5-million dollars at auction so the guy is not exactly off his rocker when he says that the value of the car would far outreach any cash spent to restore it, assuming that all of the parts and pieces are what he says that are. If it sounds like we are taking shots at the seller, we aren’t. It is just not everyday that something this rare and something this expensive is listed on eBay. Adding into the fact that the guy may be more well known than we expect, and that he has been hiding the thing for 25 years and we have the makings of one awesome story.
The ad pretty much says it all. In the mean time we’re going to try to burn up the phones and see if we can figure out who this mystery man is….
In the event the car sells or the ad disappears, here’s the text. Below it is the link to the actual listing –
I am contemplating selling the LAST known 1971 Hemi Cuda Convertible.
This is the REAL DEAL, a real “R” code Hemi Cuda Vert.
There are only a handful in existence, and I have been hiding this car for roughly 25 years. Too much time has passed and I have accepted the fact that I will never do anything with it.
The price is $1,000,000 USD (yes, one million dollars) FIRM!
These RARE cars sell at auction for $3-4 million, and will only cost only $100k to restore.
A steal at one million dollars.
Yes, it has the original numbers matching 426 Hemi, Auto Trans, Dana 60 rear.
Yes, it has the fender tag. I may have build sheet but I’m not certain due to the fact that I lost a lot of documentation for many of my cars in a warehouse fire in 2012.
Yes, it has a clear title, and it IS eligible for export.
I am NOT posting my phone number for a reason, but some of you in the industry know who I am.
Email only, I will respond selectively.
Best of luck.
WOW! Another overpriced ‘coffee table’ for me to prop my feet on 🙂
no its not a piece of shit chevy or even worse a friggin scrap metal sculpture camaro. its real car.
I was complimenting the allmighty mopar as being too precious too drive and you had to go and cuss. I drive my car and have since we bought it new and it goes in the “Correct Direction” 🙂
Strong hints of a re-body project. Did Chrysler have hidden VIN numbers elsewhere on the unibody?
Yes they do!
The problem is . . . all the VINs of the cars are know and this VIN is not on the list. There was one that was exported to France that was destroyed but that VIN is also know.
“This posting has been deleted by its author.”
‘Warehouse fire.’ My favorite.
It was a scam. Another scumbag.