Car Show Coverage: The June 2021 So Cal Quarantine Cruise Was Great – Images Here!

Car Show Coverage: The June 2021 So Cal Quarantine Cruise Was Great – Images Here!

(Photos by Wes Allison) –  We’re back with one last blast of great images from the 16th So Cal Quarantine cruise which took place in June of 2021. When it comes to shared experiences, hopefully we never get the chance to match last year again but the effect those experiences have on us are interesting and vastly different. We’d be willing to bet that one of the reasons this event series continues to be so successful is because of the feeling it gave so many people last year. Undoubtedly friendships were formed, projects were helped along, and bonds that otherwise never would have been made have been forged forever.

This is not an event people go to because of its prestige, because of its social standing, or because you’ll get some sort of fame from being there. Nope, people are at this deal because thy love it and that’s the best part of the whole works. Completely and unquestionably passion driven!

Enjoy the images.

Hit the images below to expand them and then scroll on to see them all –


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1 thoughts on “Car Show Coverage: The June 2021 So Cal Quarantine Cruise Was Great – Images Here!

  1. Jay Bree

    Great cars (though the streetscraper look is lost on me — they need lace paint jobs 🙂 )

    Thanks for the shots

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