Stanceworks Is Building A Real Ferrari F40: Step 2 – Ferrari Enzo V12 on Steroids! The ULTIMATE Engine for my F40!

Stanceworks Is Building A Real Ferrari F40: Step 2 – Ferrari Enzo V12 on Steroids! The ULTIMATE Engine for my F40!

Things are starting to get exciting on the Ferrari F40 over at Stanceworks. They have all the body parts and tub, this thing is sitting up on the chassis table so they can start building the chassis, and the engine has shown up so it can find it’s way home in this thing too. The plan is to create a chassis that is significantly better that what would have come in this thing from the factory, with tons more power as well. We can’t wait to see what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves.

I have worked on a Ferrari F40 pretty extensively. I know that sounds weird coming from me, but the truth is that I’ve done some stuff to a Ferrari F40, and the Ferrari F40 engine, that most people have not. That’s a story for another day, but because of my experience with one particular Ferrari F40, I find this new project makes me smile. The Stanceworks crew is going to do something to this one that only they would, and in a way that only they can get away with. There will be some feelings hurt over this one. There will be people that are mad. And there will be people that lose their f’ing minds. But it’s just a car, and nothing is permanent when it comes to cars.


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Episode 3: Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. We have an absolutely incredible engine in store for the F40 project: an F140 V12. 6.5 liters, 9000rpm, and 800hp on tap, this is going to be insane!

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