You car’s driveshaft seems like a simple enough device that transfers power from the engine to the rear axle. There’s actually a lot more than meets the eye happening with that simple tube and making sure it fits right is a critical piece of any car build. Measuring up for a new driveshaft is a big part of any transmission swap. Very few times are the new and old transmission so similar that the driveshaft will just fit right in.
In the video below you’ll get a quick lesson on how to properly measure for a new driveshaft to make sure it fits right the first time it goes into your car. Do you know how many thousands of transmissions have been ruined, and quick, by people jamming too long driveshafts into them? It is actually pretty staggering.
This is not rocket science by any means but let the American Powertrain crew take you through the process of getting your driveshaft properly sized up. If you will be doing a trans swap this winter you are looking at must see TV here, kids!