This 1973 Chevelle wagon with its six cylinder engine, three-on-the-tree manual transmission, and rally wheels is awesome. We love the styling, we love the fact that there are not many around, they’ll swallow any engine you want to drop in, and they can easily haul your family and stuff with you on the road. This car is listed for a paltry $2,900 and that seems like a great deal. At first glance the car seems really clean! But an honest seller does help us get a better look at the problems.
The only really big one is rust and it seems to be prevalent throughout this wagon. Having lived on the Jersey shore, the salty air and ocean spray seem to have eaten this thing up in a lot of challenging to repair areas.
The quarters and fenders are one thing but when we start to see the little rust pinholes by the windows and other spots, that can get expensive, unless you have good metalworking skills and can handle the repairs on your own. At that point the $2,900 asking price seems like good money!
We actually think that the asking price for this wagon is pretty close to dead on, no matter what your skill level. It is an intact car with a six banger engine. The seller knows that whoever scarfs this thing up is going to likely gut the drivetrain and attack the bodywork with gusto. The $2,900 gets you a complete car with trim, glass, and the hard to find stuff. The other money you spend will make that $2,900 look like a trip to the car wash.
What do you think?
Thanks to Rocco Bastone for the tip!
The car is not far from Englishtown but still in the northeast rustbelt. Buy it and just drive it hoping the mud will keep the car together.
If it’s listed for $2,900 the seller will probably take $2,500. Looks like it’s worth saving if you are handy with bodywork. Would look sweet with a Laguna nose on it.
Looks Kind of you know …. rusty and bumpy. I may not be interested in it but i know someone who may be.