This Is The Greatest In-Car Camera Compilation Ever! Saves, Wrecks, Everyone’s OK

This Is The Greatest In-Car Camera Compilation Ever! Saves, Wrecks, Everyone’s OK

In-car camera were once only the realm of network television and huge budget racing teams. The units were clunky, added lots of weight, and at first they were not all that welcome by race drivers who figured that the “eye in the sky” was going to be looking over their shoulder and criticizing their every move. Those guys were right of course but eventually the units got smaller, lighter and more portable by a lot. Today you can score a killer little camera for short money and mount it in the cockpit of your race car as easy as pie. Heck, some guys have multiple camera in their cars just because they can.

This is probably the single greatest in-car video compilation we’ve ever posted. There’s no crap, no fluff, and it is all action. From a hilarious singing co-driver to saves that will have you pucker in your office chair this one really is wild. Oh, there are plenty of wrecks, some dead sheep, and someone who clearly didn’t get the memo that their local road was hosting a rally the day that they decided to go for a cruise.

Racing is crazy, unpredictable, and exciting. This video is all of those things.

Press play below to see the greatest in-car camera compilation ever –

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