Watch A Couple Of Goofy Kids Destroy A Subaru Engine With Nitrous And Nearly Kill Themselves In The Process

Watch A Couple Of Goofy Kids Destroy A Subaru Engine With Nitrous And Nearly Kill Themselves In The Process

You know the old saw, “it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye,” right? This video is a living and breathing example of that adage but thankfully everyone’s ocular health is intact at the end. We should clarify that it is only intact because God protects children and fools and these guys may actually fall under both categories. Anyway, here’s the scene.

A sad sack Subaru is heading to the scrapper but before it goes, the guys who are ditching it want to make sure no one else will ever enjoy driving this car. The solution? Run the engine at WOT and literally jam the nitrous hose into the inktake and on the count of whatever the valve was open and for a second it just sounded awesome. After that second of glory there was a massive explosion raining parts and pieces out of the sky. You know what happened. As soon as the engine hit the rev limiter and started messing with the ignition, this thing became a bomb.

The camera man here is absolutely leading a charmed life because by rights, he should have caught a ton of that stuff to the face but he did not.

Now here is the interesting part. Naturally you are thinking that it was the factory plastic air box and tubing that was blown to smithereens and you are right, but there was  another victim in this thing and that was the turbo with was literally blown to pieces and some of the stuff that could have clipped these guys would not have been as forgiving as plastic…if you catch our drift.

All’s well that ends well with Subaru owners who are unharmed and one severely Banged up Subie. Oh, and the kicker is that thing thing had some really rare engine in it with a closed deck and all. Subaru fans are crying over this death while the rest of us are just happy these guys didn’t get cut to ribbons. Watch the video below and let it serve as a lesson. You always have to be careful when you are messing around with hot rods but wow.


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