Buy a truck, road trip it 860 miles, give it a completely brand new suspension system, road trip it home. Oh, and that whole suspension system thing? Do that part in a parking lot! That’s the brief plot summation of this video from our friends at Ride Tech and boy is this cool and to some degree empowering. The OBS style GM trucks are all the rage right now and as we all know, everything looks better lowered so if you have one of these things and you are on the fence about going with an air suspension upgrade, maybe this video can get you sorted out. Why? It shows that the job does not require exotic tools, exotic knowledge, or a fabrication shop. It takes time, it takes following directions, and it takes elbow grease. Three things that gearheads typically don’t mind spending or doing, right?
It goes without saying that Ride Tech has been the industry leader in air and even traditional high performance suspension conversions for a myriad of vehicles for many years now and they just keep refining their technology to make it more functional, easier to install, and a better all-around experience. From the controller to the parts and pieces themselves, they never stop sharpening the point on their spear and it shows.
There’s not one part of this job that looks beyond the skill level of any experienced wrencher. Don’t believe us? Watch and see!