It’s a funny thing. There’s so many downsides to this period of “life pause” we’re living in and may be coming out of now but there are a couple of benefits. It has been years since I have been able to methodically work through a project and enjoy the steps. There has always been a trip to take, a race to prepare for, and work to be done. There is still work to be done and there will be a race to prepare for, but there is also a little time and with that little time I have taken advantage of it and not hurried myself, not rushed something, not jammed myself up by trying to keep some sort of pace. It’s actually fun to work on this little thing and I’ll be happy with the results when it is done. But that’s a little way off for a minute.
This is a video update that I shot in my workshop the other day. Nothing fancy but something a little more involved than simply snapping the photos and sharing the words. As long as I am home I plan on doing more stuff like this. Yeah, it is a little 12hp engine that most of you are probably rolling your eyes at, but the time I have with my boy on this little thing is cool. Cleaning stuff, setting things right, making the old new again. It’s good time and time that I’d never have otherwise.
So before the next actual update, enjoy this look at project Isolation Restoration as the re-assembly has begun!