Old dually trucks, whether they are factory built or they are modified strike us as very cool but there’s another style of truck that hits us right between the eyes as well and that’s the old school crew cab. Today the truck market is vastly different than it was 40 years ago. It is almost shocking to see a truck that does not have four doors these days. The rigs are more powerful and in some ways more capable than ever and they largely get used to shuttle the kids to school and practices. Today trucks are like butch SUVs but back in 1975 if you were ordering up a crew cab you had work to do.
The very name came from the idea that an entire six man work crew could ride to the job site in this thing. Today they should be called “family cab” or “heading to Bed Bath and Beyond Cab” trucks but in 1975 this was a truck designed to work and while we don’t know its complete history the seller was pretty detailed in his ad. The truck’s odometer reads 42,000 miles which could very well be 142,000 but with the condition of the thing, who knows. The truck was repainted at some point in its life and when that was done a yellow very similar to the factory color was used.
The factory AC is present, the factory 460ci big block is right there, the factory interior is intact aside from an aftermarket steering wheel, we dig the steel wheels and hub cabs, and the stance of the 2wd three quarter ton truck is pretty much perfect. It splits the difference between a high riding four by four nicely.
So yeah, we’re going to be over here reveling in the coolness of this truck.
Check out the photos and then hit the link to see the ad for this sweet 1975 Ford F250
Boy, you don’t see many of those from Ford. I don’t know why Ford didn’t push crew cabs more back then. Maybe they thought it would cut into their Econoline sales…
Do. Want.
But that steering wheel needs to go.