Watch Amazing Levels Of Dumb Luck Turn A Disaster Into The Cleanest Amateur Truck Jump Ever

Watch Amazing Levels Of Dumb Luck Turn A Disaster Into The Cleanest Amateur Truck Jump Ever

Let’s be honest here. In all of our gearhead lives we have “gotten away with one”. Maybe that is cheating the fuel gauge to the next station, racing a car that wasn’t exactly up to NHRA safety specs, or maybe even completing some truly dumb car related stunt that you didn’t have the skill level or car to actually do….but you pulled it off. The guys in the explorer you see sky boxing the Dodge Ram pickup totally get away with one here in the fact that this is the smoothest, cleanest, most well executed truck jump ever and it sure wasn’t planned to be that way. When you see the reaction of the passenger in this vehicle you’ll understand what we mean. The dude is incredulous that the truck is NOT destroyed and the fact that it is still running and driving. While the question never comes up, something tells me that the dude would not be volunteering for a second leap in the ‘Sploder.

Amateur jumps cut one of two ways. They cut the awesome way, which is how this one goes and they cut the awesomer way which is when everything goes wrong and the only truly shining point of success is the fact that not everyone was killed in the attempt. The reality is that this Ford Explorer flies like the wind, lands as softly as a pillow and we can’t frigging believe it either.

Thanks for the tip Buck!


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1 thoughts on “Watch Amazing Levels Of Dumb Luck Turn A Disaster Into The Cleanest Amateur Truck Jump Ever

  1. Curtis

    For a second there I thought he was getting ready to let the kids out of the back seat…

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