Category Archive: XL Spotlight, XL Videos

Sand Dune Jumping Part 1: Watch These Purpose Built Off Road Trucks Fly

This video is Part 1, and there is a reason. Because Part 2 is a similar video but of just one vehicle, that is not designed to do this, jumping as well. I love watching trucks fly off the top of...

Dady Rat Hits The Road! With Pieces From A 5-Ton Army Truck And A 19-Liter Duetz V12 Diesel

It was in 2014 that we first showed you a wild rat rod project that was coming together in Pennsylvania. The machine was running and in the early stages of being sorted out at that point. Well,...

Watch This To Learn How To Test The REAL Weight Rating Of Your Truck!

Ever wonder if the manufacturers are just making up numbers with regards to how much your truck can haul or tow? Ever wonder what would happen if you really loaded it that much? What if you went a...

Watch As Ritchie Keith And His Rock Bouncer Go For A Big Roll Down Showtime Hill!

Standing vertically on the back tires, facing downhill, isn’t where anybody should want to be at a hill climb. Usually, that means that something didn’t quite go to plan. Staring at the...

Some Of The Most Wicked Rock Buggies In The Nation Try Out “Bents And Dents” And The Infamous “Cable Hill” Climbs – Wide Open And Barely In Control!

The “rock bouncers” that play in the South are some of the wildest off-roaders out there. Fully caged and well overpowered, these machines are serious pieces of work and the drivers do...

Formula Offroad Video From Hella 2015

We love Formula Offroad racing, and we know you do too. These paddle tire equipped beasts defy gravity and make rock bouncers look pretty tame sometimes. In fact, we’re pretty sure the rock...

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Gnarly Mud Truck Crash Footage From Tulsa! Insane Carnage.

We are used to seeing cars crash and for parts to fly everywhere, but we certainly weren’t ready to see it happen to a mud drags truck. At this weekend’s Mud Down in T-Town at Tulsa...

Historic Hauler For Sale! Former Petty And Arrington NASCAR Transporter Hits Ebay – Amazing Shape!

Yeah, this thing is as incredible as you think it is and thanks to a tip from BangShifter Price Chenault, we’re sharing the eBay link with you so you can see it all and maybe even buy it! The...

Any Of You BangShifters Ever Overload Your Truck This Bad?

We’ve done some stupid stuff, and filled trucks with way more than GM or Ford ever recommended, but never to this extreme! And I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but I kinda wish I had!...

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Look At This Big Ultra Heavy Lift Amphibious Transport Vehicle Run Across The Ocean

The Navatek UHAC, Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector, is a giant tracked amphibious vehicle that carries military “stuff” in between it’s two big tracks from ship to shore. It...

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Who Would Get Into A Car Chase Using A Bucket Truck? This Crazy Chick Apparently!

If you are going to get into a car chase with authorities, which is never ever a good idea, we would at least suggest a vehicle that has some chance of either outrunning said authorities, or being...

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Hilarious Video: Watch A Pickup Strung With About One Million Firecrackers Put On The Performance Of A Lifetime

BangShifter Jack Pereira tipped us off to this video that may actually be beyond description but we’re going to give it a try here. At first we thought we were watching a well used Chevy pick up...

Watch The Footage Of A Small Plane Landing On A Carlsbad, California Beach On The 4th Of July – No One Died!

While I was off announcing a drag race n Ohio and Chad was at home wrenching, lots of people in  Carlsbad, California decided to hit the beach for Independence Day. That seemed like a fine plan...

Ever Wonder What It Would Be Like To Drive Into An Automated Barricade?

Ever been at the airport and seen the big pop up barricades? We’ve all secretly wanted to back into one with our rental cars. But what kind of damage would one of these suckers actually do to a...