Category Archive: 1320 Event Coverage, 1320 Spotlight, 1320 Videos, DRAG RACES, Event Coverage

The BTE Southern Footbrake Challenge Drag Race Is LIVE RIGHT HERE!

The Southern Footbrake Challenge at Holly Springs Motorsports Park is everything you expect from wheels up footbrake drag racing. No delay boxes and no trans brakes mean this is swapping feet at...

Rocky Mountain Raceways’ Night Of Fire: Lighting The Candles One Last Time, Part One

It didn’t matter if they had two or two hundred jet cars on the property, it was very apparent what the crowd that had filtered into Rocky Mountain Raceway had come to see: jet cars. We had...

Rocky Mountain Raceways’ Night Of Fire: Let The Racing Commence!

Coming into the early evening hours of Saturday in Salt Lake City, we were looking at a few distinct and equally important issues. One was a wildfire that was just due westward of the track that we...

Holley LS Fest 2018: The Crowds Never Noticed The Clouds Approaching!

Just about every one of the galleries from the 2018 Holley LS Fest have a mention about the weather, and for good cause…days before the show started the weather reports basically said,...

Rocky Mountain Raceway’s Night Of Fire: The Storm Before The Storm

If you tried tuning in to our live coverage for Rocky Mountain Raceway’s Night of Fire event, then let me be the first to apologize…again. After attempt after attempt at getting the...

Rocky Mountain Raceway’s Night Of Fire 2018: A Photographic View Of A Final Bash

The sad truth is that the Night of Fire event at Rocky Mountain Raceway in Salt Lake City, Utah is that it’s a farewell blowout. After the 2018 season ends, so does Rocky Mountain Raceways. A...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Some Interesting New Attractions In The Amusement Park!

The 2017 Holley LS Fest was a record-breaker for attendance at the show that is solely centered around one manufacturer’s engine. That’s impressive. It’s even more impressive when...

Roadside – LS Fest Or Bust: This Amazing Build Happened In Just 6 Weeks, Plus Lots Of Action From The Event Itself

When the guys at Roadside set out to tell a story, they really tell a story. Take one group of off-road racers, including one that has an unhealthy love for Nissan 240s, and give them just 6 weeks to...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Saturday Morning, The Car Craft Bolt On Challenge, And More Show Cars!

Saturday morning saw LS Fest in much of the same light as Friday had been. Everybody was concerned about when the weather would hit and whether or not the day’s activities would be affected by...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Friday Night Drifting And The Grand Champion Drag Racing Laps

With the weather proving to not be an issue for Friday nights, the crowds started to pour in later in the afternoon to see the shows that were taking place, and for the last bit of Friday night, it...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Everything Goes At This Monster Show!

Two autocross courses to handle the amount of machines present, ready to carve corners. The entire oval track opened not only for an autocross, but for drift machines and come Saturday night, the...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Sorry, Mr. Weatherman, But You Were Wrong And We Had A Ball!

The forecast for the weekend of the Holley LS Fest was simple: doom and gloom, with a chance of flooding. If you trusted the weather reports as they came in, LS Fest was going to be a no-go the...

Holley LS Fest 2018: It’s All About The Action On The Tracks!

The engine family might be the center of attention for the Holley LS Fest, but it’s the action that continues to bring people from far and wide to Kentucky to play. We have drag racing that...

Holley LS Fest 2018: Our Gallery Coverage Of The Celebration Of The LS Engine Starts Now

It’s that time of year again, when the masses descend upon Bowling Green for a celebration of one type of engine that is used in just about any and every type of situation that you could think...