Category Archive: FUNNY STUFF
Watch This! Playing With Nitromethane Is Fun. Don’t Try This At Home Kiddos
Jan 01, 2014Chad Reynolds8
If you burn your garage down lighting nitromethane on fire, that’s on you, not us or NitroAmerica. On a recent visit to Jason Rupert’s shop here in SoCal, Les Mayhew and the gang decided...
Watch This Old Holden Suffer Some Super Gnarly Axle Hop While Trying To Get A Burnout Going – Slow Motion Violence!
Jan 01, 2014Brian Lohnes6
If you have ever been in a vehicle experiencing wheel hop, axle tramp, axle wrap, or whatever else you want to call it, you’d remember it. One of the most violent and destructive things to your...
Best of BangShift 2014: Two Guys Perform The Worst Trailer Loading Operation In History
Dec 27, 2013Brian Lohnes19
(Editor’s Note: We’ll be slipping in some of our favorite, most popular, most hated, and fun items from 2013 as we speed to 2014. This one ran just after 2013 started and it became an...
Video: Watch The Most Bat-Poop Insane Big Rig Jump In the History Of Mankind
Dec 25, 2013Brian Lohnes16
Joe Grippo, the dude who normally shares awesome photos with us here dropped this nugget of absolute BangShift insane perfection onto my Facebook page a couple of days back. What you are about to...
Freakshow Video: The Incredible Folding Chevrolet Plow Truck!
Dec 25, 2013Brian Lohnes28
Dennis MacPherson and his crew at DMC Racing build some of the craziest, quickest, and fastest drag race cars on the planet. They work their asses of to deliver the cars on time and to do the best...
Awesome Truck TV Commercials From The 1960s and 1970s – Gimmicks, Abuse, and Bragging Galore!
Dec 24, 2013Brian Lohnes4
It is Christmas Eve and you are doing one of a few things. You are (a) at work killing time and paying absolutely no attention to the business you are supposed to be tending to (b) drinking (c) panic...
We’ve Seen Some Funny Gift Guides For Men, But This Video Just Might Take The Cake
Dec 21, 2013Chad Reynolds6
What does every man need for Christmas? Well, according to the girl in this video the answer is…hubcaps. Or wheel covers as she points out, in technical terms. Apparently the folks at...
The Roadkill to End All Roadkills – Motorhome Mayhem Saves A 1968 Charger
Dec 21, 2013Brian Lohnes13
Truth be told, I got to sneak peek this episode during the PRI show one nice after we finished up on Roadkill LIVE for the day. We all huddled around the video guy’s computer and watched this...
Mix One Old Nissan Maxima, One Talented Filmmaker, And Plenty Of Sarcasm, And Nissan Will Buy It Back!
Dec 21, 2013Chad Reynolds3
This video is hilarious. Apparently when Luke Akers decided to sell his aging Nissan Maxima he thought the most fun way to do it would be to use his creative skills as a filmmaker and showcase...
This 1977 Ramcharger Promotional Video Is 70s Truck Porn At Its Best – Wagon Wheels, Knobby Tires, OOGA BOOGA!
Dec 17, 2013Brian Lohnes8
For probably the last 10 years I have dreamed about building a late 1970s style 4×4 truck, complete with the chrome nerf bar in the bed, white steel wagon wheels, maybe some Ground Hawg tires,...
Watch Two Insanely Modified Puerto Rican International Diesel School Buses Do Burnouts And Drag Race! One Of These Runs 13s!
Dec 14, 2013Brian Lohnes8
No joke, although you cannot see the scoreboards at the end of this video the “winning” bus is capable of running in the 13-second time zone. How do we know that? We’re including an...
Extreme Downhill Barbie Jeep Racing Is Highly Entertaining To Watch But Painful To Do (Video)
Dec 12, 2013Brian Lohnes7
Have you always wondered what would happen if grown men decided to race plastic Barbie Jeeps down a steep incline in the woods? We’ve spent hours on end pondering the outcome of such a...
Comedian Jay Mohr Makes Jokes At Danica Patrick’s Expense And She Ain’t Happy About It!
Dec 10, 2013Chad Reynolds19
We think Jay Mohr is one funny bastard. He is one of those guys that doesn’t pull any punches at his show, and honestly was surprised when he was chosen as the host at the NASCAR Sprint Cup...
This Video Of Grain Trucks Racing At A Fair Is Hilarious
Dec 10, 2013Brian Lohnes10
Classic medium duty trucks are my jam. I love the things and while the majority of them have rotted and broken in half up here in New England, there are still thousands of them pressed into service...