I’m sure there’s a good story to this, there usually is. This poor LMTV (Light Medium Tactical Vehicle) has decided it’s had enough of wherever it’s at and is attempting to tunnel through the Earth to the other side of the planet to see if it’s any better there, leaving the poor Soldier stranded in the center of a mud pit deep enough to make a redneck shed a tear of happiness. “Aw, c’mon, he can’t be that bad off…” you might be saying.
Use this as a comparison. Yeah, it’s yours truly, about ten years ago in a very hot part of the Earth. I’m six-foot-three. The headlight on any LMTV with a stock-style bumper is within an inch or two of three feet above the ground. Given that the buried truck has a cab made by Oshkosh instead of the stock Stewart and Stevenson cab mine had, you can pretty much figure that the mud would be right about where my head is at in relation to vehicle position. These trucks are stout, I know first hand (poor F-440 there got stood on it’s bumper once during a field exercise.) They have the power to pull themselves through quite a bit of things, so what’s your take on our stranded truck here? Do you go ask the tank recovery team to give you a tow, or do you simply say, “It was like that when I got here”?
Keep digging, little buddy, you’ll be home soon.
Passed a line of five of those LMTV’s on a narrow South Jersey road last week. My only thought was “I hope they’re paying attention” or squish!!
The recovery guys need practice too. You never know what she’s capable of until you try!
It saw the lone M35 on theFOB and had to bury its head in shame because it would never be as awesome as what came before.
Unless that’s a brand new truck (less than two years old) it could be an S&S/BAE cab. They started making the armored cabs about 2004.