
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Daily Tune Up: “Cars” Nine Inch Nails Featuring Gary Numan (2009)

BangShift Daily Tune Up: “Cars” Nine Inch Nails Featuring Gary Numan (2009)

Gary Numan sang the original “Cars” song which was released in 1979 and quickly became the “new wave” music hit that started off the ’80’s. It’s a song we all know and can’t help but sing when we hear it. This version is much harder, although down right calm for the Nine Inch Nails of yesteryear. A cool rendition of the song we must say.

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9 thoughts on “BangShift Daily Tune Up: “Cars” Nine Inch Nails Featuring Gary Numan (2009)

  1. Remy-Z

    You sure this is NIN? I know Fear Factory did a “Cars” remake in ’99, and it sounds a LOT like this…

  2. ed chesher

    I stand corrected, that appears to be his band. As a NIN fan from the 90’s though, NIN was Trent Reznor, the rest was an ever revolving cast of members. Often times, the members on tour weren’t the same as those that recorded the album. This group is NOTHING like the NIN I saw 4-5 times in concert.

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