
the car junkie daily magazine.


Cool Old Press Photos: 1957 Ramblers

Cool Old Press Photos: 1957 Ramblers

Outside of Volvos built during the 1980s, have there been any more square-ish looking cars ever built that the Ramblers of the late 1950s? We’re not saying that in a bad way, but just as a simple observation. When the designers were carving these puppies out of clay they may have used a chainsaw.

Take particular note of the wagon here and how it literally looks like a sedan with a cap on it. We’d kill to have one in Pro Street fashion with a blower coming up through the hood.

A total of 91,400 wagons and hard tops were produced during the 1957 model year. Boxy or not, people seemed to dig the styling.

1957 Rambler press photo

1957 Rambler press release

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