
the car junkie daily magazine.


Dumb Idea: Czech Republic Places Cardboard Female Cops at Intersections, Accidents Rise

Dumb Idea: Czech Republic Places Cardboard Female Cops at Intersections, Accidents Rise

In an effort to save money on installing traffic signals at dangerous intersections, the government of the Czech Republic decided to place cardboard female police officers at them to deter speeding and bad driving. Unfortunately, they equipped these cardboard coppers with mini-skirts. According to a report, accidents have picked way up at the intersections where these sentries are located. 

The story claims that the government is cash strapped and this was thought to be the cheapest, best way to make these intersections safer. Apparently stop signs are hella expensive in the Czech Republic. One guy actually complained to the government after literally driving his car off the road gawking at a cardboard cut out of a woman with a mini-skirt and police uniform shirt on. That’s one mistake we’d never cop to. 

We wonder who made the final call on the wardrobe. It was either someone with a sense of humor or someone who happens to be REALLY hard up for lovin’.

Source — PoliceOracle.com — Long legs of law don’t stop traffic 

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